Data Scientist Intern

Cognistx, Pittsburgh, PA May 2022 - August 2022

  • Leading design and development of scalable web crawler, capable of crawling web pages with up to ~100K links and supports deduplication of embedded documents
  • Implemented crawl component with AWS SQS URL frontier triggering AWS Lambda based recursive crawls while tracking crawl history in DynamoDB
  • Developed decoupled AWS Lambda based downloader component to concurrently download crawled URLs into S3
  • Projected to enhance domain generalization and increase downstream QA model performance across various domains

Technical Undergraduate Intern

AppDynamics, Bangalore, India January - May 2021

  • Developed Component Tests for OpenTelemetry supported agent using JUnit
  • Created a library to dynamically alter agent configurations. Written in Java, it uses SnakeYAML to construct custom Java objects and is currently being used by the OpenTelemetry team to test future builds of agent
  • Collaborated closely with software development team to identify testing requirements and aided in resolving bugs during development

Research Intern

Centre for Cloud Computing & Big Data, Bangalore, IndiaJune 2019 - December 2020
  • Examined DeathStarBench and TeaStore microservices to identify performance bottlenecks responsible for reduced efficiency of microservices based applications
  • Monitored utilization of system resources and investigated performance sensitivity of operating system parameters using Docker Stats, perf, mpStat and TShark
  • Formulated a placement algorithm to map containers of a microservice to cores of server hardware and devised a mechanism that coalesces services on commonly called paths into a single container, achieving up to 26% improvement in latency and 29.5% in throughput
  • Published 2 papers at JSSPP 2021 and CCEM 2020